6×6 Fundraiser for RoCo

The Rochester Contemporary Art Center is a beloved space here in Rochester, NY. As a center for thoughtful contemporary art, RoCo provides unique encounters for audiences and extraordinary opportunities for artists. Since 2019 they’ve done an annual fundraiser featuring 6″x6″ works of art, donated by the art community from far and wide. Pieces from noted artists, celebrities, and everyday folks who create fill the walls for a unique show and pieces are sold for just $20 each to support the non-profit.

If you’re looking for something to create this weekend and aren’t sure where to start- find some paper, a tile, cardboard- any clean substrate you can think of that’s 6″x6″ and get to it. (FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS SACRED- NO GLITTER. IF YOU THINK THE CORONA VIRUS IS BAD…) You can submit up to 3 works to the fundraiser. Details on how to submit your work.

And if it looks like you’ll be cooped up for a while, and you’d like some cool art for your walls- there are pieces from previous shows that are available for purchase online: http://roco6x6.org/ Plus, it’s pretty cool to look through!